I couldn’t agree with this Jewish leader more. Look at what a coalition of Evangelicals in the U.S. have signed up for from the story at One News Now:
At the conclusion of a recent four-day conference at Yale University, more than 150 Christian and Muslim leaders from around the globe announced the first step of the “Common Word” exchange drafted last November.
A statement released at the conclusion of the conference explains that “the intention behind the Common Word is not to foist the theology of one religions upon another or to attempt conversion.”
Markell admits she is very skeptical about a pledge made by members of both faiths to spend one week per year sharing the “positive aspects” of the other’s faith. “The mosques would talk about Christianity in a positive light. Christian churches would talk about Islam in a positive light,” explains Markell. “…I don’t believe there’s a mosque in America that’s going to say positive things about non-Muslims. And very sadly, I think they’re will be evangelical pulpits that once a year will get up and say now here are some positive things about Islam,” she laments.
And there you have it in a nutshell. The islamists have once again scored a coup against Christians in America. These Evangelical leaders, or fools as I would call them, actually expect muslims in America to sit in their mosques and praise Christianity? For pete’s sakes, people, pick up a Qur’an and read the bloody thing! Christians are infidels and our only place in islam is to either convert to it or submit to it.
Jan Markell has it spot on and I give her credit for saying it. I’m disappointed in the first place with these Evangelicals in that they even shared a religious stage with the islamist charlatains. Not a one of them had the balls to stand up and question whether or not islam is actually a religion. This is further evidence of the dhimmification of America – something we have seen happen in Europe and now, our leaders are falling for the same “bridging” tactic the Europeans fell for. These Christian leaders think they are taking the high road here and reaching out while in essence, they are making their first pledge to bow to islam.
Evangelicals in ‘la-la land’ over Muslim agreement
The founder of a messianic Jewish ministry says evangelical leaders must be living in “la-la land” if they think Islamic imams will ever say positive things about Christianity, despite the release of a “cooperative statement.”
At the conclusion of a recent four-day conference at Yale University, more than 150 Christian and Muslim leaders from around the globe announced the first step of the “Common Word” exchange drafted last November. The Christian representatives included the heads of both the National Association of Evangelicals (Leith Anderson) and the World Evangelical Alliance (Geoff Tunnicliffe). A statement released at the conclusion of the conference explains that “the intention behind the Common Word is not to foist the theology of one religions upon another or to attempt conversion.”
According to a Reuters report, participants of the Yale gathering affirmed their support for freedom of religion and mutual respect. But Jan Markell, director of Olive Tree Ministries in Minnesota, has reservations about one particular aspect of the inter-faith agreement. Markell admits she is very skeptical about a pledge made by members of both faiths to spend one week per year sharing the “positive aspects” of the other’s faith. “The mosques would talk about Christianity in a positive light. Christian churches would talk about Islam in a positive light,” explains Markell. “…I don’t believe there’s a mosque in America that’s going to say positive things about non-Muslims. And very sadly, I think they’re will be evangelical pulpits that once a year will get up and say now here are some positive things about Islam,” she laments.
Markell says the idea is “unrealistic, to put it mildly.” She comments that these “evangelical” leaders apparently do not know that many American mosques are the breeding ground for radicals who are calling for the destruction of America and its takeover by Islam.