The letter A Common Word, addressed to Christian leaders around the world, and signed by 138 Muslim scholars, is an important contribution to Christian-Muslim relations and dialogue. Many Churches have already made their responses and there also a number of related initiativesunderway. However as well as ‘responding’, the letter provides an opportunity to further develop better relations between Christians and Muslims at a local level, and also to deepen awareness of issues between the two religions amongst Christians. This publication is a resource for churches and individuals who wish to explore these issues more deeply and who wish take the opportunity the letter affords to develop local inter faith relations. It gives the background to the letter, offers a commentary on the issues that lie behind it and suggests resources for further reading and activity.
Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
Publication Date: 09 July 2008 By Churches Together In Britain and Ireland
Binding/Format: Paperback
Status:In Stock
Price: £5.00
ISBN: 9780851693538