In honor of the life and work of Sheikh Zaki Badawi, OBE, KBE, and in recognition of his noted public contribution in championing the vital role of religious faith and values in the life of the nation, the AMSS has established the annual Zaki Badawi Memorial Lecture. The lecture series is dedicated to Dr Badawi’s vision to foster pluralism, inter-faith dialogue, inter-cultural understanding, and social cohesion. In this, the second Memorial Lecture in honor of Sheikh Zaki Badawi, Dr. Mustafa Ceric, Grand Mufti of Bosnia-Hercegovina, examines one of the most important issues facing Muslim communities in Europe today ôHow to participate actively and faithfully in modern European society?ö Dr. Ceric introduces the concept of a Muslim Social Contract theorizing on its value, philosophical and religious foundations, as well as wider implications for Muslims in Europe. It is in essence a theory of mutual obligations advocating positive engagement by Muslims on a socio-political as well as intellectual level in wider European society. This is the second lecture in the Memorial Lecture series in honor of Sheikh Zaki Badawi.
Toward a Muslim Social Contract in Europe